Who invented...?


GCSE History (Industrial Revolution) FlashCards sobre Who invented...?, criado por <script>alert('H')</script> Demo em 24-10-2022.
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FlashCards por <script>alert('H')</script> Demo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Criado por <script>alert('H')</script> Demo aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
...the cotton gin? Eli Whitney
...sewing factory machines? Francis C. Lewis
...home sewing machines? Elias Howe
...the grain reaper? Cyrus McCormac
...the telegraph? Samuel F.B. Morse
...the light bulb? Thomas Edison
...the telephone? Alexander Bell
...the automobile? Karl Benz


Industrial Revolution
<script>alert('H')</script> Demo
When did the Industrial Revolution reach...?
Julie Demo
Intellectual Movements
Julie Demo
Living and Working Conditions
<script>alert('H')</script> Demo
Population and Migration
<script>alert('H')</script> Demo