Industrial Revolution


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<script>alert('H')</script> Demo
Mapa Mental por <script>alert('H')</script> Demo, actualizado hace más de 1 año
<script>alert('H')</script> Demo
Creado por <script>alert('H')</script> Demo hace más de 2 años

Resumen del Recurso

Industrial Revolution
  1. Inventions


    • Cotton Gin - This isn't an alcoholic drink! It's short for "Cotton Engine"
    1. Cotton gin
      1. Factory sewing machines
        1. Home sewing machines
          1. Grain reaper
            1. Telegraph
              1. Lightbulb
                1. Telephone
                  1. Automobile


                    • The word automobile comes via the French "automobile"
                  2. Causes
                    1. Stable government
                      1. Education
                        1. Markets
                          1. Trade Routes
                            1. Investment
                            2. Impacts
                              1. World
                                1. Colonies
                                  1. Trade
                                  2. Political
                                    1. Votes
                                      1. Chartism
                                      2. Artistic
                                        1. Impressionism
                                          1. Romanticism
                                            1. Realism
                                            2. Society
                                            Mostrar resumen completo Ocultar resumen completo


                                            Tilde en palabras agudas
                                            Carpincho Arg
                                            When did the Industrial Revolution reach...?
                                            Julie Demo
                                            Intellectual Movements
                                            Julie Demo
                                            Living and Working Conditions
                                            <script>alert('H')</script> Demo
                                            Population and Migration
                                            <script>alert('H')</script> Demo
                                            An Drea